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  • Writer's pictureMeg

Protecting the Oceans and Reefs We Love

Greetings! As the 2019 dive and sailing season kicks into high gear, we wanted to share some news with our customers and followers. We are now an affiliate with Stream2Sea and have pledged to use only reef-safe sunscreens and showering consumables!

Stream2Sea offers a reef-friendly, biodegradable and eco-conscious product line which we will now provide to our charter guests at no additional charge. We are taking this step in an effort to reduce harmful chemicals from being introduced into the oceans and affecting this precious ecosystem. This measure will also reduce the amount of plastic brought onboard Serenity. Our charter guests can rest assured knowing that we have shampoo, conditioner, body gel and sunscreen so they can pack lighter and leave nothing behind that will harm the places we visit.

We are proud to say that we have signed @Stream2Sea #SafeSunscreenPledge, and promise to stock only #reefsafe sunscreen! Join us and do your part to keep our waters safe, and protect our reefs from the harmful effects of chemical sunscreens.

All of our charter customers will receive a small gift bag upon departing with sample bottles of the Stream2Sea products they used onboard. This is our gift to you so that you too can pledge to use eco-friendly products and be the next individual to take a stand against introducing harmful chemicals into the watershed and oceans we all love to explore.

If you would like more information about the chemistry, products and how Stream2Sea got its start, please check out their website or view the short video below.

Until next time, Fair Winds, Following Seas and Ultimate Visibility!


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